29 August, 2011

An Embarrassment of Riches

Sugar Free by meoskop
I've been given a Kindle.

Right? I could hate me too. Trust me when I say I am very deserving and these things could not happen to a nicer girl. Or boy. Or plurality of people. I am just that wonderful. Really. Fine. Hate me. I can't be the boss of you when I am too busy being the boss of all this stuff.

I wondered how to approach this - if I did a review of the Kindle I would be comparing it to the Sony 505 (Baby), the Sony 350 (UnNamed), the iPad (Ozy) and my new Kindle (UnNamed2). How long would a Sony vs Sony vs Kindle vs iPad post be? Um, really long! I think what I am going to do is summarize the pros and cons of each device (for reading) in a series of posts over the next few days. I think all the readers on the market have their niche (except for the ones that suck) and there is no One True Reader To Rule Them All anyway (I hate that series).

Tomorrow (ish) I will run down a device. Over the course of this week I will cover all of these bad boys and what I like or hate about each one in a shortish format. This may be ground others have tread before me. (I like a well trodden path, less likely to turn an ankle.) I'll tell you that my initial impression of the Kindle is that they barely missed the boat of being the One True Device. Makes me wonder what their tablet is going to look like. 


  1. I am looking forward to reading this! You post really helpful reviews about this sort of technology.

  2. Trust me when I say I am very deserving and these things could not happen to a nicer girl.

    I do believe :) Honestly *grin*

    I look forward to your thoughts! Like Brigid said, your technology posts are really well thought out and useful. (And Amazon FINALLY ships Kindles here :)

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