02 August, 2013

Things That Happen

In the last ten days I have been distracted by life.

Two different couples announced their engagement. Two people died prematurely, (one quite young). Between the flights and the dresses and the tears and the toasts I've pushed everything aside.

Something I'm excited about has come from this brief hiatus. A number of blogger / reviewers I enjoy talking to have decided to join together for a joint reader space. I'm going to run reviews there before I run them here. This shouldn't (once we get rolling) make much of a difference but I hope you will look in on the new site as well.

As soon as it's live, I'll link it. My first posts there (and later here) will be new books by Long, Balogh and Milan as well as an examination of asexual reading. I'm hoping that this challenges me to examine my reading choices in the same way that I examine authorial choice. That's my hope - that I can still write completely ill thought and unprepared reviews while piggybacking onto a group of more considered thinkers. It's worked this far in life.

In the meantime, I'll be looking at Shana Abe's young adult series next week as well as some graphic novels I've been kicking around the book bag. I'm also thinking about privilege and paranormal - which might be a bigger bite than I care to take at the moment but we will see...

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